In which two Americans meet in the road

Two Americans meet in the street of a Portuguese town.

1. How are you today?

2. I’m exhausted.

1. Oh, really, what do you do?

2. I help American expats find houses here in Portugal, but I came here to get away from all that annoying cultural stuff.

1. I’m an American; am I annoying you?

2. No, you are really an exptat; these others bring this obnoxious culture with them.

1. What in particular?

2. They want Portugal to be identical to the USA, but it isn’t; it is Portugal. Why are they coming here? Huh? Why come to a new country if you want to remain stuck in your rut. Just stay back in the homeland. Move to Florida? I don’t know.

1. Singing: “I’m afraid of Americans; I’m afraid of the world. I’m afraid I can’t help it. I’m afraid I can’t.”

2. What is that from?

1. David Bowie.

2. Oh, yeah, oh.

1. My singing is obnoxious, I know.

2. That’s what I’m talking about right there; this obnoxious cultural stuff. Why do you come here to this county and sing in the street, huh?

The end.

Published by Mink

The amazing writer, husband, father, traveler, and in general a uniquely amazing person named Jared Mink.

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