In which the fuddy duddy asks about late late breakfast

The fuddy-duddy rings his silver bell and waits; after a few moments, his sister comes to the doorway and looks at him with dead eyes. FD: Oh, I’m sorry: I see you’ve been watching the news. Sister: Yes, as a matter of fact, I was; how can you tell? FD: Just years of caring deeply …

In which the fuddy-duddy writes about The Hobbit

The fuddy-duddy picks up a pen, considers a moment, and begins: “How many times have I read The Hobbit? I’ll have to ask Beatrix.” The fuddy-duddy rings the silver bell that sits at his elbow. He waits a moment. He leans forward and pokes the fire with a fire tool. “Beatrix must be on the …

In which the fuddy-duddy talks to a student

The fuddy-duddy sits in his office at the university; a student walks into the room. Fuddy-duddy, under his breath: Oh, god. Student: Hi! Fuddy-duddy: My office hours, as yet, have not begun; please, if you will stand outside the door for another moment…? Student: Did I pass the class? Fuddy-duddy: Did you, or did you …

In which the fuddy-duddy reads his first novel attempt

The fuddy-duddy sits ensconced in his study poking his fire occasionally. His mind turns to that first, and only, attempt he every made a writing a novel, the attempt which proved to him and the rest of the world the truth of the proverb: Those who are unable to write beautifully become critics. He opens …

In which a fuddy-duddy writes about the scarlet pimpernel

A small study. The walls are covered in antique books and a happy fire burns in the hearth. An armchair sits in the middle of the room where a fuddy-duddy sits reading a novel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy about the adventures of the dashing and imitable Scarlet Pimpernel. The F.D. puts down his book, picks …