In which Rufus expresses a concept

Rufus sits sucking a pencil for a few moments before writing. Rufus: Technology has improved how teachers teach and learners learn concepts, but, like, I don’t know because it is like, you know… To express stuff is, what’s that word? Rufus snaps his finger twice. Rufus: It is a synonym of concepts but not ideas …

In which Rufus introduces his cousin

I had been in jail for at least twenty-four hours when my cousin Budcock arrived to talk; well, talk isn’t the word because I am nearly a famous artist on the literal cusp of oeuvres of artwork that will just blow the socks off of everyone—even people who listen to Hip Hop music if you …

A Rufus Wooster narration

If you are like me, you know what it is like to wash up unconscious on the beach with sand in your undergarments and have a beautiful Italian woman resuscitate you vigorously. If you are not like me—and I seriously doubt that you are like me in any way—, then you will have to take …

Rueful negotiation

Rufus walks into a seaside restaurant and sits at the bar; his aunt’s boyfriend Lucky Strike walks over. Rufus: Hi, Lucky, man am I hungry! I’ve been making artwork all morning on the beach! Lucky: You’ve been making artwork? Rufus: Yeah, and I’m super hungry! Lucky: What does that remind me of? Something Georgiana told …

In which Rufus sleeps under Dermot’s desk

Dermot Dermot hung up the phone as gently as possible with a delicate push of his thumb. He even said, “No, no, thank YOU officer,” as if he appreciated the call from the FBI agent about the missing handgun. He leaned back in his limo seat and ran a shaking hand over his face. A …

In which Rufus attempts to paint in the park

A park. Rufus stands at his easel to paint a picture; the canvas is blank. Inspiration will come soon, I’m sure. A dog approaches and poops. Rufus, mumbling to himself: I don’t know which color to select today: do I feel like painting something from my blue period, or do I feel like painting something …

In which Dermot asks Rufus a question

Dermot asks Rufus a question: Dermot: Rufus, do you remember the name of the girl who would sit in front of you in Introduction to Postmodern Existentialism? Rufus: Beatrix? Dermot: No, no, no; Beatrix was the goth who sat at the back near the door. Rufus: Candice. I remember a Candice with big—can I say …

In which Rufus and Dermot talk between bars

Dermot stands near Rufus’ jail cell lost in thought for a moment. Dermot: I can never remember the name of my office assistant! Rufus: Kevin? Dermot: Isn’t it Basil? Rufus: Huh, for sure it is one of those names with vowels and concordances around the vowels. Dermot: Concordance around the vowels? Rufus: Kevin, Basil, Jerry, …

In which Rufus further distances himself from the common man

Friend: I’ve greatly improved my life; recently, I’ve stopped speaking unless I have something truly wonderful to express. I only say exquisite ideas. Think about it: anyone can say just about anything,and they do! But I take the higher road and limit myself to only expressing the really refined ideas, and this is just one …

In which Rufus sings Opera

Rufus: Opera singing can’t be that hard. You just have to raise your voice to a great volume, and then wiggle your voice around like this: I AM SINGING PASSIONATELY ABOUT MY LOVE, MY LOVE, MY LOVE, MY LOOOOOOOVE! A shoe flies through the open window and hits Rufus in the head. Rufus, continued: I …

In which proto-Rufus discusses song lyrics with his mother

Blog in which the proto-Rufus discusses music Boy: I hate this song. The boy removes his headphones. Boy: The lyrics are a lie; it is not true that “where you spend your love, you spend your life.” Mother: Are you talking to me? Boy: No! No, just continue doing… whatever you are doing. Mother: I’m …

In which protoRufus talks to his mother about Bob Dylan

An apartment. Rufus: Mom? MOM! MOM! A muffled voice answers. Rufus: MMMOOOMMM! His mother enters the room. She wears rubber gloves and carries a plunger. Rufus: Are you cleaning the bathroom again? Mother: Why, yes, I am. What is it? Rufus: Have you ever listened to Bob Dylan? His music is just something else. Mother: …

In which Rufus meets Camões on the beach

Rufus fell off the boat and floated for some time before the ocean current brought him to shore. He crawled out of the water and lay on his back in the sand. After a while, an old man approached Rufus and stuck him with a walking stick. Old man: Are you alive? Rufus: Is this …

In which Rufus joins his mother at the beach

A beach. Full sun. Nearby, a green flag waves in a light sea breeze. Soft waves lap at the seashore. Rufus sits in the sand near a naked woman. Rufus’ back is to the woman. His eyes are firmly closed. Tears roll down his cheeks. Rufus: No, no, I won’t! Mother: Turn around, Rufus! Rufus: …

In which Rufus finds his trousers inside the wrong caravan

The ocean is a capricious lover. Only the most stalwart of sailors can love her passionately and for life. Although Rufus thought himself stalwart, passionate, very much a great lover of women, and for his whole life, which would incline us all to believe him capable of the passionate love for the sea which characterizes …

In which Rufus meets a gypsy in Portugal

Dermot ran an absent-minded hand in a small circle around her bellybutton. “The gypsy girl is a waste of your time, Rufus. You should come back to New York City with me.” Rufus raised his leg and rested his foot between the bars of the jail cell. He pointed at a global positioning system anklet …

Rufus buys creams

Rufus walks into the body-lotion shop. Rufus: Do you have activated-microplastic cream? Worker: Yes, we sell activated microplastic cream. What kind of creams would you like? Rufus: Oh, well, I don’t know. I want to cream everything. Worker: What specifically will you cream? Rufus: Which parts of my body? My face, neck, chest, arms, hands, …

In which Rufus’ books are burned

Rufus’ mother had returned from a few weeks away in Los Angeles and the detox had taken sundry effects. She had not decided any particular dramatic revenge upon her son until after she and her boyfriend entered the living room and found themselves standing on a sticky spot of the floor. “Where should I put …